Security/Defcon2010 CTF18

[CTF18] Crypto Badness 100

Ac3LuCiFer 2010. 5. 31. 13:54

[crypto 100]


Decrypt please

Ocmln. up.'g.bjf abanfoco odrgne er yd. ypcjt d.p. /,.nnw urp yd. mroy lapy=v

Ydco y.qy ,ao ,pcyy.b gocbi a ol.jcan t.fxrapew br bry .pirbrmcjw frg aoodayv

WdcbyV Yd. t.f frg ap. nrrtcbi urp co yd. bam.oat. ru ydco t.fxrapev WzdcbyV


드보락(dvorak) 자판은 오거스트 드보락 박사가 제안한 영문 글자판이다.

dvorak keyboard를 이용하여 풀면 된다.


Simple frequency analysis should do the trick here [well, for the most part].

This text was written using a special keyboard, no not ergonomic, you asshat.

<hint> The key you are looking for is the namesake of this keyboard. </hint>

문장을 해석하면 드보락에 관한 내용이다.


Key : dvorak